According to the article 16 of Law 2190/1920, as it is currently effective, and the decision of the General Assembly of the share holders of the company, held on for
the buy back of 2 millions of its existing shares in a total period of 12 months, at a purchase price per share the amount of 2€ at the minimum and the amount of 12€ at the maximum, the board of directors of the company, following the above decision of General Assembly and the relevant authorization granted to it, during the session of 7/5/2003, announces that has the right to buy back up to 1.000.000 if its existing shares during the time period from 30/5/2003 until 30/9/2003 included, at the above mentioned per share prices 2€ at the minimum and 12€ at the maximum.
Athens, 7th May 2003
The Board of Directors